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Microchipping Service
Microchipping Courses

We can Microchip Dogs and Cats in the salon along with any litters you may have.

Same day appointments sometimes avaliable so give us a call

Chips are charged at £12 per pet.

We will shortly be launching our IPET Microchipping Course. 

We will sometimes have Animals avaliable to rent at an additional cost of £70 per pet required, Obviously this is in very high demand (we do have some booked already and some still avaliable), so please be patient while we find suitable animals for your course and it may not always be possible to accomodate your window as loan animals are not avaliable all year round , animals will be allocated on a first booked first reserved basis so please request a payment link promptly for the chipping course, this will enable you to complete your course without the undue wait of finding a friend that may or may never have something suitable, we anticipate this will be very popular so pre booking animals for loan is a must.

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